CITYGUIDE for companies.

CITYGUIDE AG has already successfully implemented over 350 CITYGUIDE apps in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain. We create the apps in close cooperation with cities and municipalities, districts and cantons, with tourism organizations and city marketing companies.

We provide all people who live, live, work or vacation in the respective regions with intuitively operable information media for smartphones and other online devices.

We offer medium-sized companies unique opportunities for innovative and far-reaching marketing on the Internet and social media. Our way is simple and straightforward. The result is successful and profitable for the company.

We support you in your online marketing with innovative products and competent advice.

Our CITYGUIDE city apps offer a complete overview of all retailers, service providers, sports and leisure opportunities, social offers and educational institutions in the respective city or municipality. The city guides are linked to the respective internet portal of the city or municipality. From here, the user can access the individual industries and their detailed content via a clear and clearly structured menu.

Everyone is talking about social media – but hardly anyone knows how to effectively use the possibilities of the steadily growing number of networks for their company. Cityguide offers every company a coordinated social media concept that takes individual company characteristics into account and also uses the appropriate channels. Thanks to our experience and competence, we give meaningful recommendations here and do not work according to the “watering can principle”.

We offer a professional website for your company with our CITYGUIDE web packages. With modern content management systems we implement your company homepage optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile format. Of course, starting with the entry-level packages with professional search engine optimization (SEO) for your region.

With CITYGUIDE video we produce high-quality image films or animated photo series with emotional images, professional texts and harmonious music for your company. Your image video can be integrated directly into the business entries of the CITYGUIDE City app of a respective municipality and of course on your own website. The CITYGUIDE videos can be played on the go with your mobile phone or at home on the Internet in HD quality.

CITYGUIDE marketing material for classic corporate communication rounds off our marketing offer for companies perfectly, despite all the technological innovations. With brochures, QR code stickers, flyers, business cards, etc., CITYGUIDE offers high-quality print products that are individually designed for the purpose and target group for the external appearance of our partners.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have come to the phase that you don’t know what is a good direction for moving your business forward.